I only stopped at one antique store while on our last trip. (I hope to stop at one or two large ones next year.) The one I chose to stop at was very unexpected inside. The antiques were incredibly nice and expensive. I think much of the furniture was European. I definately didn't buy anything there, although they had a fairly new Shirley Temple doll...for $200. LOL :-) About 10 times my upper limit!
I did find a little red wagon and a wheelbarrow at Walmart. They had been filled with bags of Halloween gummy candies. The doll with green eyes and red braids is my new fully articulated Madame Alexander Wendy. She needs a few clothes. I have a "new" pattern that is a 1952 issue of outfits. There's a nurse's uniform complete with cape and cap, a long dress and "straw" hat, and some 50's style play dresses.
Oh, and we did stop at the market and the Amish general store. So, I have pecans, sweet potatoes, honey...