Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Old Threshers 2011

I know John J is going to have some really great photos. But, I'll post some of mine for now. (Except the one of me with JT at the trolley station is his.)

Latest dolls

I thought these little walkers were charming in their harlequin dresses. They were $1.50 at a yard sale. I shouldn't have washed the taffeta dresses but they were quite dirty.

A simple Amish doll which was a quarter at a flea market. I'm still waiting for an Amish family I purchased weeks ago on ebay. Either the seller forgot or they're coming by horse and buggy!

A little New Bright doll which was a dollar at a yard sale. I think she might be "Swiss".

Madame Alexander's 12" Heidi which I purchased for $2 at a yard sale.

This pirate Kewpie was another of the Kewpies given at the doll convention at Mt. Pleasant. This year at Old Threshers, extra dolls were sold below price and I bought this one. Wish I had know they were there earlier.

This is an ebay lesson. I was so excited to win this doll for about $6 plus postage. She appeared to be a straight leg walker. The photo of her hip joint I thought was for the purpose of proving her walking mechanism. She does have the same mechanism inside as my other straight leg walker (these date from 1954-56) but her legs were wrong for her. They stuck out sideways and the only way I could solve the problem was to loosen the elastic enough to let the legs hang. The shoes are just like ones in a 1956 photo in a Madame Alexander book and the legs are Madame Alexander I'm sure. The skin tones of the legs match the body. Quite a puzzle. The costume she was in is "Spanish". The shawl is unlike those I have seen on most Spanish outfits. I have only once seen another like it and it was on a doll said to be from the early 60's. Maybe someday I'll get some other legs but I don't know if they should be bent knee or straight. Her hair is triple stitched, characteristic of earlier dolls.....

My old Dolly, with a body I made for her, is in a high chair I purchased at an auction. I had to give the princely sum of $7 for this. Her bonnet was a yard sale find for $1.

Auction, flea market, and yard sale finds

The peach carnival glass dishes are Fire King, as is the white batter bowl. The round peach casserole is my mothers. The pie dish cost $1 and the square casserole cost $3. The burnt orange Pyrex bowl was a great find at $2.
I had good luck at an auction recently. The Grizzwold frying pan cost $5. The oil lamps were about $2 and a clear glass Fire King batter bowl was in a box I got for $1.